Hip-Hop, R&B, Jazz, Gangster, Classical, Gospel or regardless of the style, music has it’s good and bad messages, and few musicians today make music something to be cherished and appreciated such as Toni Ann Semple. For the better part of her life, she’s been contributing in everyway possible to a career that seems to keep growing with every new note she sings and writes. Today many people continue to believe “if you are big in New York, you are big everywhere, and despite having no major record deal, Toni Ann Semple is becoming one of those “big names” in music around the world. Perhaps the secret to her success is that she’s Native American, or the mere fact that she plays several instruments, sings, writes, and then composes her very own compositions, but whatever it is, she’s bringing back the love, compassion, and anxiety of the past. Some say she’s the sound and soul of the new generation, while others are still listening, trying to complete their thoughts about her commercial success with singles such as “I Don’t Wanna Talk About It”, “ For Me”, “ Summer Breeze” and “Sit Back And Relax”. There are no solutions for total relaxation when it comes to easy listening music, but for sure the sounds of Toni Ann Semple are a great start, as she renders sounds that allow you to think calmly, while breathing patiently to feel the emotion that she feels every time she touches a microphone.
For sure today’s record industry is filled with artists’ who classify themselves as one of the best in the world because of their sound, their look, and their style, but how many of them can play any or all of the music that may accompany their records? Well Toni Ann Semple can and she does. Like many artists’, Semple had the support of her greatest fan, her mother until her death due to Breast Cancer. “My mother was the greatest, “ she says. “ She’s the reason I am where I am, and I love her dearly. When I was very young, she bought me my first guitar. Thereafter I became interested in all kinds of instruments, including the flute, the keyboards, Trumpet and other instruments. I then began teaching myself a lot of it, and writing and composing my own songs. But to be real about this, I consider myself a better singer/songwriter. I love lyrics, and being able to showcase my feelings on records. That’s what music does for me, although it doesn’t come without challenges, which is foremost remaining focused on what you are to do. Focus is something my mother instilled in me, and I’m growing and achieving success because of those early life lessons.”
Radio Stations have warmed up to the music of Toni Ann Semple and as she gains popularity, her music is becoming a sound to listen for. Currently she can be heard on mainstream and Internet radio in the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom. In listening to her music, you hear very innocent, clear and structural concepts, which focus on positive experiences that breathe life into modern day culture. “ I would say that because I’m Native American, I write, sing and compose music the way that I do. My mother taught me a lot about how to carry myself and how to express the positive elements of life. My song “Summer Breeze” is from 15 years ago, and mom loved that song. She always said it makes you happy. But that is just one song that have somewhat inspired me to be and do my best. I’ve written over 400 songs, and there are different songs for different people. Overall though, when it comes to my music, it’s all about being positive and honest with myself, and honest toward others. It was always my mothers wish for me to speak and accentuate my heritage as a Native American because she was very proud of where we come from. I’m very in touch and close to my family and the music allows me to show some of that. Sometimes people look at me and think that I’m African American, so I say I’m both. The greatest misconception though is that people can’t believe that I’ve done this without a record deal. All I can say is that I have a great management team. They help me make the right decisions and right moves, although I’m very critical about the content in my songs. I’m very conscious about the lyrics and the structure and foundation for my material.
In the future, Toni Ann Semple plans to release more music, tour and travel. Her advice for young people is simple, “It’s very important that parents seek out talents in their children and nurture them. I was born the baby child of 10 children and for my mother to identify something in me, and then work with me to develop it really made me blossom as a musician and a person. The schools are slowly cutting programs for kids when it comes to music and the Government is cutting a lot of things, but for parents to be instrumental and nurture their children, that’s what’s going to make the greatest impact in the lives of children now and in the future”. To read more about Toni Ann Semple, visit www.myspace.com/toniannsemple, tasemple.com or www.facebook.com/pages/Toni-Ann-Semple/