Teaching biblical principles and ethnic essentials to sustain a successful life has been the mission of Bishop E. Bernard Jordan from the start. As founder and Senior Pastor of Zoe Ministries, a national and international movement that has captivated the likes of businessmen, political officials, celebrities, churches, among others, Bishop Jordan has perfected his calling of “Prophesy”, which many view as a person who reveals a vision of divine inspiration. The world financial situations, a state of emergency for the federal government, disaster at the World Trade Center Towers, and a long list of other concerns have gave way to leaders around the world to call on the skill and talent of Bishop Jordan. Because of the Internet, and major media organizations, Bishop Jordan’s ministry has become one of the leading movements in religion and prophecy. His creation of The Prophetic Network allows him to give back and share his gift like never before.
“I want to see all people economically empowered, “ says Bishop Jordan. “I am very concerned with where we’re headed in terms of our people, and their awareness of the Internet and all that it can do for their lives. We have less than 25% of our people who are connected to the Internet. We have a new literacy challenge among us and it’s that of the Internet. So we’re loosing a lot of our people, African American men, women and children to the system- the Welfare System, the Prison System. We have financial dependence to the system. It’s easy to become dependent on the system. Many of us have forgotten that help comes from within ourselves. We should be producers and not just consumers. That’s where our strength lies”. Keeping true to his teachings, Bishop Jordan is the author of over 40 books, including the New York Times Best Seller, “The Laws Of Thinking”, and the founder of Zoe Ministries, a spiritual calling, catering to the cyber community. “At age 15, I knew I had a calling to prophesy to the people”, continues Bishop Jordan. “I came into a greater level of awareness about myself and what I felt God was leading me to do. I was born to do what I’m doing”. Bishop Jordan’s belief in self has led him to build quite a following as he’s been embraced by viewers from around the world on television networks such as the Word Network and Black Entertainment Television. The live streaming webcast allows the Bishop and his company of prophets to predict occurrences in the lives of his viewers 2 nights and 1 day per week.
Because of the Bishop’s popularity and accuracy in exercising his gift, he’s been asked by a variety of celebrities, world leaders, major corporations and others to prophesy their futures. “I proclaim myself as a man of God, and I’m using what God has given me to help others”, continues Bishop Jordan. “I am often asked to speak to all kinds of people, including politicians, but that doesn’t mean that I have to become that person. Prophecy is my passion, and I believe that once you find that passion, you never work another day in your life”. Bishop Jordan’s passion has allowed him to travel to Swaziland, Africa to deliver a word of The Lord to the Queen and the Royal Family. He’s also traveled to Germany, Canada, Korea and the Caribbean. He was also invited to address a special assembly of ambassadors and diplomats at the United Nations concerning the oppressive racism in South Africa, as well addressing in February of 1992, the impending liberation of South Africa.
In the world of entertainment, Bishop Jordan is most noted as a religious confidant to the Reverend Al Sharpton, who’s welcomed his unique gift on several occasions, including the recent conversations with the Jackson Family surrounding the sudden death of Pop Star Michael Jackson. Bishop Jordan has also been featured in a variety of publications such as The New York Times, The New York Post, and The Daily News. He’s also been featured in television on NBC’s Today Show, Fox 5, Good Day New York, CNN and many others. Also to his credit, he’s published an extensive library of cassette and videotapes geared to impact the “Zoe- God Kind of Life” Christian Philosophy. In addition to all his accomplishments in the professional arena, he’s also a husband, married to Pastor Debra Jordan, and proud father of 5 children. “I’ve been married for 30 years”, he says graciously. “And I love my wife and children dearly. The man is the head of the family and the family is only as strong as the head. God designed it for men to bring direction to the family structure. Men are the producers of the future through their children”. And his thoughts on education- “it is vital to the society that we live in this day and time to have a good education. The bible says my people will perish for the lack of knowledge. A lot of our people are uneducated and miseducated, which is more dangerous. And many of us are fanatically illiterate. In order to compete, we must become fanatically empowered. If not, you become indebted to society. The saying is that money makes the world go round, but that saying needs to be turned around to knowledge makes the world go round. Money is just a part of that.”
In closing Bishop Jordan says he will continue to bless the world by way of his Internet ministries and teachings to help people gain fanatical independence. “The Internet is the most effective way in the current economy to impact the world”, explains Jordan in closing. “This technology allows us to affect people’s lives everywhere, and we’ve (Zoe Ministries) enjoyed that success thus far. We’re seeing the end of the brick and mortar age, and the new literacy is through technology. The computer puts all of us on the same page, giving all people an opportunity to make a difference”. For more on Bishop E. Bernard Jordan, visit www.bishopjordan.com
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